About Green Valley Water
About Green Valley Water

The W’s of Green Valley Water
Green Valley Water provides wastewater reclamation, treatment, and reuse to the Town of Payson and surrounding areas. Without the use of chemicals, the multi-step process renews every drop. GVW Class A+ Water replenishes the lush green parks, ball fields, and golf courses throughout the community. Green Valley Park is the epicenter of the town and provides families with a clean, safe recreational area accessible for everyone to enjoy.
Who is Green Valley Water?
We’re still treating the water, and since 1965, that hasn’t changed. The Northern Gila County Sanitary District, now Green Valley Water (GVW), continues to serve our customers with innovative practices to reclaim, reuse, and conserve the community’s water. While the name and brand have been refreshed the commitment of quality service remains the same.
What’s in the Water?
It’s more about what’s not in the water. GVW performs a multi-step, in-depth treatment process to clarify and store the community’s valuable resource in the lakes at Green Valley Park for redistribution and groundwater recharge.
Where is the Water?
The water isn’t green, but the grass is, and you can see it every day. This valuable resource is used in harmony with nature, providing recreation and enjoyable green spaces throughout the community. GVW redistributes Class A+ water to multiple reuse sites.
Green Valley Lakes
Green Valley Park
Chaparral Pines Golf Course
Payson Golf Club
Payson High School
Pioneer Cemetery
The Rim Golf Club
Rim Country Middle School
Woodland Meadows Lake

View of Green Valley Water Facility with Payson Golf Club and the Town of Payson in the distance.
The History of Water Reclamation in Payson, Arizona Began in 1965
Payson Sanitary District Formed
The Gila County Board of Supervisors determines the Payson Sanitary District is essential.

Planning and Construction
Planning and construction of the Payson Sanitary District sewer collection system and treatment plant is underway.

Water Reclamation Facility Completed
The facility is the site of the present-day wastewater treatment plant. A portion of the original treatment plant is still in operation today.
Rapid Growth
The growth experienced in the 1970s soon began to overtax the existing facilities. After receiving overwhelming support from the community, the District began constructing a state-of-the-art process and facility expansion.

District Changes Its Name
District name changed from Payson Sanitary District to Northern Gila County Sanitary District (NGCSD).

Payson Sanitary District’s First Expansion
Facility expansion using the unique Bardenpho treatment process was completed. NGCSD officially named the treatment plant American Gulch Water Reclamation Facility.
The Northern Gila County Sanitary District begins serving the Mesa Del Caballo subdivision.

Mesa Del Caballo Added To Service Area
The Northern Gila County Sanitary District and the Town of Payson began a partnership to facilitate the construction of Green Valley Park.

Green Valley Park and Lakes Construction Completed
Green Valley Park construction completed and the District begins discharging its Class A+ Effluent to the lakes.
Improvements To Facility Design
The American Gulch Water Reclamation Facility upgrades to a design flow capable of producing 3.5 million gallons a day.

Northern Gila County Sanitary District becomes Green Valley Water
The Northern Gila County Sanitary District rebrands to Green Valley Water.
Chapparal Pines Lift Station Undergoes Rehabilitation
After 25 years the Chaparral Pines lift station gets a makeover.